Mobile Web, Sensors and Semantic Streams


The Internet of Things (IoT) is quickly becoming a major information source for all application domains. Recently, describing, integrating and using this data has been the focus of much research in the Semantic Web community. Special interest has been devoted to dealing with dynamicity, resource constraints; different proprietary data formats and platforms; time and location dependency of data; limited validity periods of data; faulty, imprecise and contradicting information; and integration with background (slowly evolving) knowledge. The situation is similar, though a little less severe, for mobile environments. Efficient methods for data representation, storage and analysis have been proposed, taking into account these problems, along with real-time processing of spatio-temporal semantic data, specifically in such harsh and resource-constrained environments. In this track, we invite researchers to propose new, ground-breaking ideas and results that combine stream data – available on the Web or coming from sensors and/or mobile devices – and semantic technologies for effective data description, representation (including geo-semantics), interpretation, integration, and development of novel applications.



We invite high-quality submissions related to (but not limited to) one or more of the following topics:

  • Real-time data and resource discovery with quality-aware information search and retrieval
  • Integration of semantic sensor networks with Internet/Web of Things
  • Ontologies for sensors and IoT environments
  • RDF stream processing semantics and query processing
  • Using semantic enrichment and large-scale data analytics for processing or interpreting dynamic IoT data
  • Query answering and analytics for mobile web and streaming semantic data
  • Linked data and mashups over streaming data
  • Semantic interoperability among multiple streaming data processing platforms
  • Architectures, middleware and data management for semantic streams, geo-semantics, and semantic sensor networks
  • Easy-to use platforms for processing (mobile) stream data and design of applications
  • Application of semantic technologies, sensors and semantic streams, e.g. for environmental monitoring, scientific research or smart cities
  • Context- and location-aware applications based on semantic technologies and geo-semantics
  • Intelligent data processing and large sensor and mobile Web data analytics
  • Ontologies and rules for a dynamic Web
  • Provenance of semantic data on the sensor and mobile Web
  • Modelling and processing of uncertain and imprecise sensory data
  • Modelling and processing of geolocations
  • Scalability and performance of semantic technologies on sensor and mobile Web
  • Semantic-based security, privacy and trust in mobile devices and applications
  • Semantic event detection and response
  • Stream reasoning algorithms and techniques
  • Publishing semantic streams on the Web
  • RDF stream compression techniques
  • Integrating streams and large, slowly-evolving, background data
  • Sensor stream and social stream data integration

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