{"id":68,"date":"2017-11-23T14:37:39","date_gmt":"2017-11-23T13:37:39","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/testwebsite.2018.eswc-conferences.org\/?page_id=68"},"modified":"2017-12-22T10:39:19","modified_gmt":"2017-12-22T09:39:19","slug":"call-for-tutorials","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"\/call-for-tutorials\/","title":{"rendered":"Call for Tutorials"},"content":{"rendered":"
ESWC is a premier venue for discussing the latest scientific results and innovations in the field of semantic technologies on the Web and Linked Data, attracting a high number of participants from academia and industry alike. ESWC 2018 invites tutorials that address the interests of its varied audience: people new to the Semantic Web, Semantic Web researchers and practitioners that wish to learn new technologies, users of Semantic Web technologies, and representatives of government and funding agencies as well as potential private investors in Semantic Web technologies. We welcome submissions of tutorial proposals on all major topics related to semantic technologies.
\nWe especially solicit proposals for tutorials of the following types:<\/p>\n
Tutorials may focus on theoretical topics, however, we encourage organizers to incorporate hands-on sessions where appropriate. The tutorial should reach a good balance between the topic coverage and its relevance to the community.
\nTutorials can be half a day or a full day.
\nWe suggest having up to two presenters for half day tutorials and up to four presenters for full day ones, preferably from different institutions, contributing different perspectives to the tutorial topic.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>
All organizers (presenters) of accepted tutorials are expected to:<\/p>\n
The ESWC 2018 Organizing Committee is responsible for providing publicity for the tutorials as part of the conference publicity activities, and on-site logistical support to the organizers and attendees. In the interest of the overall quality of the conference, the tutorial chairs reserve the right to merge tutorials and\/or adjust their scope\u00a0 in case a minimum number of registrations is not reached by the early registration deadline.
\nTutorial attendees must pay the ESWC 2018 tutorial registration fee, as well as the conference registration fee.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div><\/div><\/div>