

The Reasoning track invites submissions on all topics concerning reasoning related to ontologies, rules and the Web. Contributions can range from theoretical advances to empirical evaluations. Papers with a strong relation to other tracks, but a clear focus on reasoning, are also welcome.

We are inviting the submission of papers that describe

  • algorithms
  • implementations
  • optimisation, approximation, or evaluations of web reasoning algorithms,  i.e., of procedures that take, as an input,  ontologies (usually in RDF, RDFS, OWL, RIF) and test entailments or answer queries.



We are interested in relevant properties of algorithms / systems, for example

  • soundness
  • completeness
  • computational complexity and optimality
  • performance
  • resource awareness
  • robustness
  • scalability
  • effectiveness

Furthermore, the following are within the scope of this track:

  • Extensions to the input of existing formalisms and modifications to the usual semantics, e.g., to deal with noise, exceptions, user preferences, vagueness, uncertainty
  • Different settings for the input of the system, e.g., to deal with data streams, distributed ontologies, incremental reasoning


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